The Ruidoso Osos are a professional baseball team in the Pecos League of Professional Baseball Clubs. They served as the leagues travel team in 2018.
In 2011 the Osos were one of the originaly six teams in the Pecos League. The Osos did not play in 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017.
In 2013 the Pecos League expanded to Raton and the City of Raton adopted the Osos as their logo and used the exact uniforms and colors and the Ruidoso Osos.
Debbie Jo Almager named the Team, which was one of the best ever Pecos League names.
The 2018 Pecos League Travel Ruidoso Osos
- November 20, 2017-The Pecos League announces the Ruidoso Osos will return for the 2018 season. They will play a limited number of Sunday home Games and serve as the leagues travel team.
- May 20, 2018-The Osos reported to Spring Training in Tucson, Arizona and returned the field.
- May 24, 2018-The Osos played the Pecos League opening game against the Tucson Saguaros.
- July 30, 2018-The Osos concluded their season with a record of 26-34. The Osos played went to all cities in the Pecos League except Trinidad and Garden City.
The Osos played in Monterey, Bakersfield, California City, High Desert, Tucson, Alamogordo, Roswell, Alpine, Ruidoso and Santa Fe.
- Attendence and community support of the 2018 Osos Team was much lower than the 2011 Osos. Despite the higher level of players and much better league in 2018, the Osos didn't draw much interest in their two home games.
January 5th, 2011-Pecos League Founder Andrew Dunn received news that Clovis Field Manager John Harris had been hired into the American Association.
Clovis Independent School District demanded $37,000 for use of their field in the summer of 2011. This figure was pulled from the stars. The Pecos League immediately needed a 5th and final market for home games.
January 11th, 2011-Andrew Dunn strikes a deal to goto Ruidoso New Mexico as the final Pecos League Team. Dunn agrees to put a team in Ruidoso but cannot operate the team.
April 20, 2011-The Pecos League leased the Osos to Clyde Woods
May 8, 2011-The first ever Pecos League game is played in Ruidoso with the Osos defeating Roswell.
May 29, 2011-Clyde Woods bails on the Osos, taking all sponsor money with him. The team was completely depleated of funds and any chance to survive.
May 30, 2011-Billy Page took over in Ruidoso and kept the Osos alive for the rest of the season. He got players paid and transportation lined up
August 2, 2011-Billy left the Osos and the host families kept the team going.
August 13, 2011-The Osos swept the White Sands Pupfish, encouraged by field manager Keith Essary's comments.
August 18, 2011-The Osos lost the championship game to Roswell 4-3
September 3, 2011-The Pecos League was informed that Ruidoso would not have lights and not be a viable option for 2011 season. The citizens and fans of Ruidoso could determine with no lights and no beer there was no way Ruidoso could support a team in the Pecos League against other opponents with better facilites.
November 15, 2012-The Pecos League announces the Osos will move to Raton New Mexico. The Osos would occupy Raton for the 2013-2014 season.
After 2011 the Pecos League never allowed private ownership.
The Santa Fe Fuego and Trinidad Triggers joined the Pecos League in 2012 replacing Ruidoso and Carlsbad.
We made it! Playoffs 2011!
The Osos gained high level of support in Ruidoso in their inaugural year despite having major ownership issues.
The Community bonded together to support the Osos. The team responded and were 6 outs from winning the Pecos League Championship.
Despite the great season community leaders in Ruidoso knew they didn't have facilities to compete with Roswell and White Sands in the long run.
They had no lights and couldn't sell beer. And Ruidoso School District did not want anyone on their field. After the City failed to get lights installed it was agreed that the Osos would wait until lights were installed.
In 2013 and 2014 the Osos moved to Raton where they keep the tradition alive. For Information on Raton visit Go Osos!
The Ruidoso Osos are a Professional Baseball Team in the Pecos League of Professional Baseball Clubs.
Other teams in the Pecos League include: (
Alpine Cowboys,
Austin Weirdos,
Bakersfield Train Robbers,
Blackwell Flycatchers,
Dublin Leprechauns,
Garden City Wind,
Kansas City Hormigas,
Martinez Sturgeon,
Monterey Amberjacks,
North Platte 80s,
Pecos Bills,
Roswell Invaders,
San Rafael Pacifics,
Santa Fe Fuego,
Trinidad Triggers,
Tucson Saguaros,
Vallejo Seaweed.)
The Pecos League was founded in 2010. To learn more about the Pecos League (Visit Here.)
See Ruidoso OsosAll Time Opponents
See Ruidoso Osos All Time Managers

The Ruidoso Osos play at
White Mountain Park 685 Hull Road Ruidoso, NM 88345
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